Previously Announced Significant Financing Transactions:



 Value ($ million)

 1989 Revolving Bank Credit Facility


 1989 Seller Note in Acquisition   10.0
 1989 Public Convertible Debentures   50.0
 1990 Private Re-purchase of Notes     2.9
 1990 Revolving Bank Credit Facility   50.0
 1990 Negotiated Re-purchase of Public Notes     4.5
 1991 Revolving and Term Bank Facilities   95.0
 1992 Acquisition Bank Bridge Term Loan   20.0
 1992 Acquisition Bank Bridge Term Loan   18.0
 1992 Acquisition Bank Bridge Term Loan   16.0
 1992 Private Placement Term Loan   50.0
 1993 Revolving Bank Credit Facility in Subsidiary   50.0
 1993 Revolving Bank Credit Facility in Parent   30.0
 1993 Call and Conversion of Debentures into Stock   50.0
 1993 Revolving Bank Credit Facility   50.0
 1994 Acquisition Bank Bridge Term Loan   10.0
 1994 Medium Term Public Note Program 250.0
 1996 Revolving Bank Credit Facility 100.0
 1996 NYSE Listing of Common Stock  N/A
 1997 Revolving Bank Credit Facility 100.0
 1998 Dutch Auction Stock Repurchase Program   75.1
 2001 Exchange of Debt for Common Stock    5.9
 2001 Senior Debt Restructure with Bank Loan Facility   33.1
 2001 Senior Secured Private Debt   28.0
 2004 Restructured Mortgage Loan    6.1
 2005 Revolving Bank Credit Facility    5.0
 2005 Convertible Note Exchange Offer   62.3
 2006 Revolving Bank Credit Facility    5.0
 2007 Tender Offer Exchanging Debt for Common Stock   62.3
 2007 Negotiated Conversion of Preferred to Common Stock   11.9
 2008 Bank Term Loan and Revolving Credit Facility    6.0